Rearranging my Life & My Bedroom… I’M BACKKK | EP 162
Crying in my bed feeling completely overstimulated. I finally broke and started seeing a new therapist, in person, in my baggy clothes with tears. She’s helped me pick apart what works for me and what doesn’t…
Being a “Quitter” | EP 161
I can't do it all, and here's why.
I spend a lot of time thinking about morning routines, whether that’s mine or someone else’s. The morning is like the golden time, the time that sets up the rest of your day for how it will all unfold. Okay so dramatic, but it’s true.
It's Time to Find a New Therapist + BIG PODCAST ANNOUNCEMENT
I’ve been thinking about finding a new therapist for a while now but understandably, I had a lot of resistance....