Keep Creating Your Art

August 3, 2023

Since graduating I feel like I’ve been in a state of “what’s next?” And not “what is.” 

Our society is consumed with being young and doing it quickly. No one wants to be late to the game or the last one to get their degree. 

We fear true vulnerability. 

What would happen if I let my tears flow and had someone else help me catch them? 

What if I let the future be in the future,

I keep my feet in each day that I am in. 

What if my uncle asked me how I am instead of asking me what’s next? 

What would look different? More importantly, what would feel different? 

I’ve been so focused on where I’m going that I haven’t acknowledged where I am. 

I’ve changed so much in the past 6 months.

So instead of “What Now?”, I ask myself “How?”

How does it feel to wake up without hangovers?

How does it feel to move slowly through your mornings and not rush to start the day? 

Have you acknowledged all the episodes you’ve put out into the world?

All the weeks you’ve shown up since you left the lecture hall. 

What do I really know?

Keep creating your art.

Focus on what is good for you right now. Today.

Not tomorrow, not next month. 

Trust the guidance on who you will become and appreciate who you are right now. 


Does It Ever Slow Down?